


    不知是不是因为常吃保健品,还是遗传因子优良,很难叫人相信林霭能已经60岁。访问他当天,看见他的办公室桌子上摆放了很多瓶瓶罐罐的保健品,我就笑称一定要吃保健品,才能像他一样保养到家,结果他说那些保健品是一年前才开始试吃,而霭能的白皙容颜不是一年前才有,所以证明非桌上保健品的功劳,而得归功于我没办法“偷师 ”的遗传因子。不过,这时霭能又说,蜜糖他倒是常喝。呵!我又有救了!





    除了唱京剧, 霭能闲暇时也喜欢品尝美食和美酒、宠一宠自己,或许,霭能养生的秘诀,正是懂得欣赏生活中美好的事物,保持精神愉快,所以人也特别年轻?

Cordyceps and Essence of Chicken

There are a number of council members of Tung Ann District Guild who look and behave like scholars, Vice President Mr Lim Ai Gin is one of them. The health products wholesaler cum distributor joined the Guild in 1991 upon the introduction by fellow Vice President Mr Ang Kah Joo.

The 60 years old Mr Lim looks younger than his age. I wonder if it is the work of health products or simply due to genes. On the day I interviewed him, I noticed there were several bottles of health products, mainly capsules on his desk, I said I had to start taking those products to stay youthful, but Mr Lim said he only started taking those capsules a year ago. I do remember Mr Lim got his youthful look since I first met him and it was certainly more than a year ago, so I reckon it is all due to genes which means I could do nothing about it. But Mr Lim again pointed out that he takes honey regularly. Oh! so I do have my remedy now!

Mention about health remedy, cordyceps is a very well known Chinese herb that nourishes the body. According to Mr Lim, few Singaporeans heard about cordyceps in the early 60’s. Mr Lim’s father and uncle were the first to introduce cordyceps with essence of chicken to Singaporeans at the time when most Singaporeans knew only Brand’s Essence of Chicken. Hence, it is not far fetch if we were to say cordyceps becomes famous because of essence of chicken.

According to Mr Lim, the Chinese in ex-British colonies like Singapore and Hong Kong were exposed to Brand’s Essence of Chicken in the early days, they are thus able to accept essence of chicken as a tonic food. Whereas to the Chinese in China, essence of chicken is not a tonic food, but a flavour to be used in cooking. Hence, it is a challenge to introduce essence of chicken to the Chinese in China unless there is a change in the term used.

Mr Lim knows well that to expand his health products market, he needs to deal with cultural differences. So to get the Malays to buy his products, he has secured a halal licence for the production of fish essence for his factory in China. His next move is to get local Muslims to buy his essence of chicken.

Apart from work, Mr Lim likes to sing Chinese opera. Like the Vice President of Tung Ann District Guild Mr Tan Bock Hwee we last featured here, Mr Lim is also a member of Ping Sheh, the amateur Beijing opera society. He has since appeared in a number of performances playing the role of Laosheng.

Besides Chinese opera, Mr Lim likes to source for good food and wine. Perhaps it is because Mr Lim appreciates the better things in life which promotes a sense of well being, hence, he is able to defy age?